VERNER PANTON (1926-1998) was a master of the fluid, futuristic style of 1960s design which introduced the Pop aesthetic to furniture and interiors. Danish architect and designer. Born 13.Februar 1926 in Gamtofte, DK , Died 5.September 1998 in Copenhagen, DK Education: Odense Technical School, DK , Royal Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen, DK , Studies in various European countries 1953-55. Independent architect and deigner since 1955 Visiting professor for industrial Design, Hochschule für Gestaltung, Offenbach, D 1984 Designs: Furniture,lamps,carpets,curtains, upholstery fabrics,wall decorations, watches,clothes, accessories, etc. Buildings: Cardboard house, DK 1957; ‘Komigen’ Inn, DK 1958 ; Spherical house, DK 1960 Plastic house, DK 1960, etc. Exhibitions: Dansk Köbestävne, DK 1958. Bayer exposition ships Visiona O + II, Cologne, D 1968,1970 Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Louvre F 1969; Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Cologne, D 1994. «Farbräume» Littmann Kulturprojekte, Basel CH 1996. Trapholt Museum, Kolding DK, 1998. Design Museum, London GB, 1999, etc. Interiors: Astoria Hotel, Trondheim, N 1960. Spiegel Publishing House, D 1971. Junior Casino, D 1973 Gruner + Jahr Publishing House, Hamburg D 1974. Circus Building, Copenhagen DK 1984, Erco Lighting, London, GB 1997, etc. Memberships: Medlem Akademisk Arkitektforening, DK; Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund, DK; Industrielle Designer, DK. Schweizerischer Werkbund, CH; Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, GB Awards: Rosenthal Studio Prize, D 1966. PH - Prize, DK 1967. International Design Award, USA 1963,1968,1981, Eurodomus 2, I 1968 Medal of Austrian Building Centre, A 1968. Price of Honour, Fourth Vienna. Int. Furnishing Salon, A 1969. 3 Federal Price «Gute Form», D 1972,1986. Möbelprisen, DK 1978. Deutsche Auswahl, D 1981,1982 (twice), 1984,1985,1986 Sadolin Colour Prize, DK 1986. Danish Design Council Annual Award, DK 1991 IF - Prize, Japan 1992. Norwegian Design Award, N 1992 Bo Bedre Prize, DK 1998 Verner Panton Classic Modern Furniture & Rugs |
Varner Panton生於1926年2月13日於丹麥Funnen島上的村莊Gamtofte,父親在當地經營客棧。原來立志當畫家的潘通,抵不過父母親所施的壓力,而改學建築。高中畢業後先進三年技術學校,再到哥本哈根的皇家藝術學院建築系修習學位,於1951年畢業。在1950-52年之間,他跟隨當時的名建築設計家Arne Jacobsen工作,也就是正好那張傳奇性椅子「螞蟻」發展成形的階段,事後Panton回憶這段時間,肯定說:「我從他身上比從任何其他人要學得更多!」 50年代中期,Panton開始成為自由建築師、設計師和展覽造型者,接一些小案子勉強維持生活。他將當時流行的大學生旅行車VV-Bus改裝內部成流動的製圖辦公室,積極在歐洲各地旅行,尋找國際設計趨勢的動向,並結識了很多同業、製造公司和銷售商。50年代的設計舞台,除了美國撐大場面外,就屬丹麥的家具設計引人注目;但當丹麥仍固守傳統的手工技術之時,美國先進的設計家(以Eames夫婦為代表)已經開始嘗試研發新的材料,並運用一貫的工業生產技術。在這種傳統與革新互相拉扯的張力下,Panton開始溝通創意,發展個人的設計事業。 1961年Panton得以在丹麥的室內設計雜誌「Mobilia」發表作品,立即轟動,同時挑戰同業的攻擊,因為他所展示的家具、燈具及紡織圖案設計,簡直就是在向丹麥的傳統宣戰;但這股新意也引致國際視聽的注意。 Panton玩造型和實驗新材質的興緻,使他的作品無法停留在一般傳統的常態,而當時的大環境,整個60年代到70年初的時代氣候;反權威、反傳統、精神解放,正好供給他創新的養分。 · 1926 Gamtofte, Denmark + 1998 Kopenhagen, Denmark · 1947-1951: studies architecture at the Royal Art Academy in Copenhagen · 1950-1952: works in Arne Jacobsen's architectural studio; as of 1955 own architecture and design studio · 1957: designs a cardboard house · 1966: "Rosenthal Studio-Preis" · 1967: creates the "Panton Chair" for Vitra · 1969: designs the interior for the Spiegel publishing house in Hamburg; Interior for the publishing house Gruner & Jahr, Hamburg · 1987 and 1988: designs the interior for the Spiegel publishing house in Hamburg · 1990: Re-Edition of the "Panton Chair" for Vitra · 1994: several designs for Polythema, a German company |