2008年10月7日 星期二

Trimode Studio (Tailand)

家飾精品finara | 精品家飾finara | 擺設 | 裝置藝術 | Lifestyle Accessories

 Design Network Star Furniture Designers Gallery  名設計師作品展 Star Designers Selection

Trimode Studio   (Thailand)

"Trimode Studio" consisting of 3 young and talented designers who have many experiences in Product Design,

Interior Design and jewelry in order to create various kinds of works for example Interior design, House wares, gifts and souvenirs, furniture and jewelry etc. This group can synergize different ideas from each  designer to create the best design.

Trimode Studio Concept is the combination between different things according to Yin-yang or two absolute opposite side concept. For example, craft design; we study and learn about life styles of any local area for understanding reasons of any material usage. After that we will blend that knowledge with new techniques in order to level up and push   forward design process and concept to local and spread out that technique. Lifestyle product will be a new alternative for design circle. Trimode studio work is also a design from experimenting and new techniques development.
As a relationship makes beauty in our heart, there always be warmth & happiness, this makes us as a team.
As happiness is made by sharing, so we share for an unexpected power & ability.
As a good design doesn't depend on the number of works but it depends on the value of its design.
As we believe that things around us always teach something, nothing can stop us searching for the encouragement.
As long as there are hope and faith waiting forward.....This is all for an inventive design! Designer is a career which requires great vision and good understanding of the market, using experience and opportunity as a tools  and driven by timing. We are designers that create work pieces for Trimode Studio and any brands for experience in all types of material and  production techniques. Trimode Studio was found by three designers: Shinpanu athichathanabadee, paradis senivongse na ayudhya and pirada senivongse na ayudhya, they all studied at Silpakorn University in three different fields : interior design, product design and jewelry design.

Objectives for forming team are to create lifestyle product, furniture, decorative item and jewelry. We need simple work pieces that can communicate between users and designers and inspired by everything around us. Most of our works are brain storming for finding different aspects of concept. It's very challenging for us.   http://www.trimodestudio.com/pages/furniture.htm  

Related linkhttp://www.flashfilm.com/us/life/interior/li0089trimodestudio.html

泰國的家居設計一直具有相當濃郁的東南亞風格,十足的異域風情。但泰國新一代成長起來的傢俱設計師不但秉承了優良的傳統,更善於接受現代風格,他們將本地與現代時尚的傢俱風潮融合起來,形成了獨具一派的傢俱風格。同樣風靡了不少居家人士。設計師:Paradee Senivongse na AyudhyaPirada Senivongse na AyudhyaShinpanu Athichathanabadee便是當中的佼佼者。讓我們一起來欣賞他們的傢俱作品


Bu-Cha 2005, From the great history of East to a contemporary pavilion chair.

Kohyao 2005, Awards : Elle Decoration [Thailand]


Diamond 2005


Mon-Kwan 2005, Awards : Elle Decoration [Thailand]          Koop 2005


L&R 2003                                    Wine Holder 2003


Adore 2003, Multifunctional Sofa








源源不絕 ,素質優良,可用性高,而且為環境保護作出了正面的貢獻。至於以抽木、樺木及杉木製成的傢俱也十分流行。








Thailand Furniture Designers list

Somchana Kangwarnjit

 Saowaluk Korsakwattana

 Yommana Taninpong

Wararat Puapairoj

Anek Kulthaveesup

Pongpakorn Salampakul

Siriluck Agukitkul

 Virat Viriyawongskul

 Surin Trangkanont

 Krit Phutpim

 Thirawat Kunnawutrittiron

Paradise Senivongse-Na-Ayudthaya

 สินีนาถ เลิศไพรวัน

 Paphop Wongpanich

 Anon Pairot

 Sermphan Kamphaengphan

 Thenchai Termsrisuk

 Poonsiri Chanchampee

 Pitt Martliam

 Apirat Boonruangthaworn

 Adiwis Wittaya

 shinpanu Athichathanabadee

 Rewat Suksikarn

 Jakapan Chaumchan

 Preeda Thammachat

 Aran Wanichakorn

 Chantaga Nimnual

 Isared Sukchournirun

 Jitrin Jintaprecha

 Juthamas Buranaraktham

 Korpon Leopairote

 Napat Chuen-im

 Paiwate Wangbon

 Sirawit Yantdilok

 Suppapong Songsank

 Thanva Tivawong

 Wattana Siriyanon

 Choenchaichan Meesanka

 Nattaphan Petkong

 ทายาท เตชะสุวรรณ์

 paradis senivongse na ayudhya

 ดวงพร สิริวัฒนเกตุ

 สุชาดา สุพันธมาตย์

 sakkarin suttisarn

 Jetsada Naruchit

 สืบศักดิ์ โชติหิรัญคงวุฒิ

 รัตนพล ตาจา



