2008年10月8日 星期三

Ron Arad (Israeli)

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Design Network  設計網 Star Designers Gallery 名設計師作品展 Star Designers in Milan 2007

Ron Arad (Israeli)


Interview with Ron Arad, Israeli artist, designer and architect, a central figure in contemporary design.

born in Tel Aviv in 1951, studied at the Jerusalem academy of art (1971-73), moved to London and studied at  the architectural association in London (1974-79), 1981 with Caroline Thorman established 'one Off Ltd', a design studio, workshops and showroom in covent garden.

1989 (with Caroline Thorman) founded 'Ron Arad Associates', an architecture and design pratice in chalk farm.

in 1994 he established the 'Ron Arad Studio', design and production unit in Como, italy. his London studio has increasingly produced individual pieces made of sheet steel, and he always mischievously exploits their

formal and functional possibilities to the fullest. the sculptural forms often have an unexpected impact which first emerges during use, and are just as much a result of graphic design as the experimental work that goes on in the workshop.Ron Arad was a guest pro fessor at the Hochschule in Vienna from 1994 to 1997 and is currently the professor of industrial and furniture design at the RCA in London.
Arad was guest editor of the 1994 'international design yearbook' .his work has been widely featured in many design/architectural books and magazines world-wide. he has exhibited at many major museums and galleries throughout the world and his work is in many public collections including, among others, The Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, N.Y., The Victoria & Albert Museum, London, The Vitra Design Museum, Germany.
Arad’s architectural projects include the Tel Aviv Opera In Israel, the 'Belgo Restaurants'
London, the development of a concept of sport cafes for Adidas and the new flagship Adidas Stadium,Paris.
among his major exhibitions are
1996 /1997/1998 'Ron Arad And Ingo Maurer', Spazio Krizia, Milan
2000 'not made by hand, not made in china' galleria gio marconi
2000 'before and after now", Victoria And Albert Museum, London
 http://www.ronarad.com http://ron-arad.blogspot.com/  http://www.designboom.com/eng/interview/arad.html


The design work of Ron Arad is part of following manufacturer's collections
www.alessi.it  www.artemide.com  www.dadriade.it  www.fiamitalia.it  www.vitra.com www.fratelliguzzini.com  www.kartell.com  www.moroso.it


Ron Arad 早期所著名的設計,是以金屬製作的有趣傢俱,特別是造型華麗的扶手椅設計,Well Tempered 椅子就是其中最具代表的作品。Ron Arad 利用金屬、玻璃等特殊材料結合高科技的技術,運用在傢俱設計上,而正是這些金屬傢俱呈現張力的美感的首要元素。

Ron Arad 的作品充滿創造性、獨特性和趣味性,不受材質和傳統技法所限制,每件傢俱作品所呈現出來的感覺不單強調了功能性,他的作品都帶著強烈的活力和張力,型體和曲線自由不受拘束,成功挑戰傳統的工業設計概念,這也是 Ron Arad 在現代設計中佔有舉足輕重的地位。

Ron Arad在1994 年成立工作室後,陸續為世界知名傢俱品牌設計產品,他為 Kartell 設計的 Bookworm bookshelf 以及 FPE Chair,為Vitra設計的Tom Vac Chairs,為Fiam設計的玻璃傢俱,為Moroso設計的布面沙發,以及為Alessi設計的Baby Boop餐盤等,每件商品在市場上都得到頂尖的銷售和評價。

Ron 生於以色列,持有以色列耶路撒冷美術學院 (Jerusalem Academy of Art) 及倫敦建築學會 (London's Architectural Association) 學士學位。 Ron Arad為現今最具影響力的設計師之一,其廣為熟識的是對印象派設計主義的探究,創作體驗的追求及突破界限的創作。Ron是業內備受尊崇的產品設計師及建築師,善於以玩樂的演繹手法,配合先進科技創作。

Ron除統籌位於英國倫敦設計工作室的各個專案外,亦積極從事教育工作。現時,Ron 正擔任英國皇家藝術學院 (Royal College of Art) 產品設計系的學系主任。

Ron Arad Associates獲邀參與的設計專案種類繁多,由零售商店及餐廳的室內設計,以至大型 的建築及雕塑,每項設計皆令人絕口稱讚。Ron的著名設計作品包括1995 年的倫敦Belgo 餐廳、2001 年位於倫敦Selfridges百貨公司內的科技樓層 (Selfridges Technology Floor) 、義大利的Maserati總部陳列室及2003年日本時裝設計師 Yohji Yamamoto 在東京開設的 Y's Store。Ron曾負責的大型建築專案包括1994年建成的特拉維夫歌劇院 (Tel Aviv Opera House)。大型的雕塑專案方面,包括有1999年倫敦Canary Wharf的 Wind Wand和Big Blue及2003年東京六本木新城 (Roppongi Hills) 發展項目的Evergreen!。此等專案皆能體現Ron在設計家俱及產品中所駕馭的前瞻性技術及非主流的造藝。

1994 至1997年間,Ron曾擔任奧地利維也納Hochschule學院的客席教授;期後於英國倫敦皇家藝術學院教授產品設計碩士課程。Ron的作品曾於世界各地多間著名的博物館及美術館展出,並成為許多公眾博物館的收藏品,包括巴黎的喬治龐比度藝術文化中心(Centre Georges Pompidou)、紐約的大都會藝術博物館(Metropolitan Museum of Art)和現代藝術博物館MOMA、倫敦的維多利亞與亞伯特博物館(Victoria & Albert Museum)、阿姆斯特丹的Stedelijk現代藝術博物館及德國Vitra 設計博物館。




   Ron Arad’s Designs




     After Spring Bronze-38x185x118        Papadello






Rolling Volume rocking armchair, 1989



     Big Easy Chair W95xD80xH135




Well Tempered chair-94x84x76        Moreover Chair for Vitra



Blo-Void 4  W193xD47xH119       Blo-Void Chair,2006





All light long-330x122x75              Bookworm Shelves



Screw Barstool for Driade $1539.00




MT3 for Driade  W180xD85xH85. W80xD104xH78


Victoria & Albert Chair-74x70x75 for Moroso




Clover Chair for Driade in Milan Fair 2007



& Albert sofa for Moroso,2000



    for Magis in imm Cologne 2007        Ripple chair for Moroso., $390.00


Restless by Ron Arad at Friedman Benda gallery
  September 26th, 2007

416.jpg 219.jpg

Friedman Benda gallery in New York shows a couple of images of new furniture pieces by Ron Arad,

created for his Restless exhibition. More »





stackable chair for Vitra, 2000



Misfits Seating for Moroso
   Steel frame covered with injected flame-retardant polyurethane foam.

 Standard feet, screwed to the frame, are in black polypropylen.


  EPOQUE HOTELSE: Ansammlung Luxus Boutique HotelsduoMo Hotel, Rimini design by Ron Arad

duoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - ItalienduoMo Hotel, Luxury Boutique Hotel in Rimini - Italien 


