2008年10月7日 星期二

Tom Dixon (Great Britain)

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Design Network Star Designer Gallery  明星設計師展覽館 Star Designers in Milan Fair 2007

Tom Dixon (Great Britain)

Established in 2002 Tom Dixon is a British design and manufacturing company of lighting and furniture. With a recognised commitment to innovation, a mission to revive the British furniture industry, the Tom Dixon brand is inspired by the unique heritage and the robust no nonsense engineering of these small islands.

Born 1959 in Sfax, Tunisia; he grew up in great Britain from the age of 4 years on. as an autodidact he got into the design business. when he was 20 years old, he organised events on the 'favolous' English party scene before creating his first objects at the age of 25, becoming one of the most talked-about avant-garde designers.
In 1991 he founded his own studio 'space' and launched 'eurolounge', a series of multifunctional furnishing items. in this period he conceived numerous exhibitions on 'creative recycling' and experiments with unusual materials.
He designed objects and interiors for Terence Conran, Jean Paul Gaultier, Romeo Gigli,
Ralph Lauren and Vivienne Westwood. more known are his design products for Cappellini, Driade, Inflate,and SCP. his work is part of the collection of world's leading museums as The Boston Museum Of Fine Art, The London Design Museum, The Centre Pompidou In Paris, The Moma In New York, The Museum Of Modern Art In Tokyo, The Victorian & Albert Museum and the Vitra Museum In Basle.
Tom Dixon has held lessons at The Royal College Of Art, Kingston Polytechnic and Plymouth University.
in 1998 he was appointed 'head of design' at the British furnishing house 'habitat'

http://www.tomdixon.net  Related linkhttp://www.designboom.com/eng/interview/dixon.html
the design work of tom dixon is part of following manufacturer's collections:
    www.habitat.net    www.inflate.co.uk

Inhabitat » VIDEO: Tom Dixon on Sustainable Design    http://www.designmuseum.org/design/tom-dixon



Tom Dixon Interview - Interiors - Wallpaper.com - International ...    100% Design - Tom Dixon

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Milan 2007: Tom Dixon Metallic Theme & lighting Collection

Posted byYanko Design in Salone Del Mobile, Exhibitions, Living, Furniture ,  April 3, 2007 10:52 pm

British design company Tom Dixon will reveal its new lighting and furniture range in Superstudio Piu during

the Milan Design Week in April 2007.

The 2007 collection is defined by a Metallic’ theme. Diving back into the material that initiated his original interest in design, Tom Dixon has taken inspiration from a diversity of sources that range from the heroic use of cast iron by the engineers of the industrial revolution, to the skilled craftsmen of the Indian subcontinent.

This iconic collection illustrates the durable, malleable and versatile properties of a range of metals by exploiting a variety of production techniques including; casting for fluid, sculptural form, anodising for the hitech industrial finishes, and hammered brass for the softer more human touch. The use of metal appears in several different forms and shapes offering products that reflect honest and solid British quality.

Tom Dixon says: more precious, more versatile and tougher than other materials, this seems to be the year for metalThe catwalks are full of gold and silver, the prices of copper, steel and gold reach new extremes on the international commodity markets, and I am just happy to be working again in a material that feels like it has the permanence and the authority that objects should have in the 21st century. Designer: Tom Dixon


不羈的 荒誕快樂的 天才生活 出生於突尼西亞,擁有一位法國與拉丁混血母親和英國父親,Tom Dixon的血液裡留著美好的無國界的帶著藝術的生活的設計的血。
1959他前往英國在倫敦渡過四個學年,在 Chelsea 藝術學院的前六個月期間,一場摩托車意外削減了從事藝術性的志向,他在醫院三個月的時間,他退出藝術學校,度過了二年像是音樂家的生活,在disco裡彈著低音吉他,直到另一場摩托車事故讓他停止不羈的荒誕快樂的天才生活。超過兩年的時間,幾乎每個晚上都泡在慾望發芽的倫敦夜派對,和舊倉庫裡頹廢的場面。這種活在夜裡的生活方式,提供了大量靈感在白天給開始試驗那些需要被銲接的金屬結構。想當然啦,腳踏車的維護與銲接的技能,他在倫敦所擁有的一日學歷,成就往後設計的特殊成就,在塑料、焊接與修理的技能之中,他絕對可以說是一個自學的怪異角色。
無風格的冷調材料 成為喜愛他的陷阱, 像是欄杆、萎糜酒吧、汽車材料等一些傾向了無風格的冷調材料,成為我們喜愛他的陷阱,都在設計圖下漸漸成形,彼此看來毫無關連的媒材,成為一座座無聲述說當代歷史的無生命物件。作品中忘記了裝飾工藝的重要性,絕對沒有設計浮華。他說:這就是工業,它適合我的心急的完美主義,給予我機會修造、毀壞、調整和立即性的重製結構。London 當時是充分的廢金屬圍場,並且充滿跳接的元素。堆砌了有趣的位元組合以及片斷,由於提出對自己的重新詮釋,如同所有的椅腳可以成為桌腿。關心商業以及我所崇尚的夜生活,放棄了正式訓練,使我感到從事設計的正義感,並運用正義為樂趣從事設計。當人們開始喜歡並購買Tom的作品,體會他所擊中了設計的另一個靶心,他的無所謂帶點放盪的形式,將廢金屬變成另一種黃金。很快的,屬於Tom Dixon的工業時代來臨了。就像是年輕的搖滾巨星一樣,不會讓人等待成功太久,隨著他受歡迎的雕塑作品、工業設計與展覽後,名氣開始累積並讓人傳誦開來。
屬於Tom Dixon的工業時代來臨, 迅速、增量與大受歡迎,使得他對現成的形式齒輪開始轉動,技術的注重哺養了他增加更多的興趣,一個更加豐富和可靠的創意工作繼續往前邁進。他開闢了在金屬廣大地面上工業、技術、可以被生產開花結果,不斷擴張的極簡庭園。他被貿易的所有工具和設備迷住了,像是一首長詩。沈重的瓶、精美黃銅測量器、斷頭臺、血漿切削刀、弧銲工、文件夾、彎管器,重新設定並且打開新形狀和結構。設計一個全世界著迷了金屬居家配件。
設計總是傑出 即使這從未是意圖, 國際名譽增長,因為義大利的傢俱設計公司 Cappellini 接近大師地位。他開始被Cappellini 邀請運作投入一些他的設計,進入生產。「S椅子」由早期的原型因為有了這個名字,他的設計搶救了舊款式的演變,這把起死回生的椅子讓他迅速到達偶像狀態,現在紐約的現代藝術博物館作永久陳列。在那之後,後來與Cappellini 合作在其它的作品,像是鳥搖椅。定向塔桌以及和木桌以及被命名叫few的椅子。
他的設計總是傑出,即使這從未是他的意圖。進入公司裡的政治,就像是一個窒息的世界,對Tom Dixon來說,它是好像我有一個巨型玩具盒子。一切設計給家充滿生活想法的物件。從玩具、文具、廚具、傢俬等等。每天都有更多人擁抱著他的設計。他誠實的告白是,我記不得曾經有雄心或是志向是設計師。我被漸漸定義為概念藝術家,或是設計家。即使今天我偏向的想法只是工業家。 http://blog.roodo.com/kieferwang/archives/2005-08.html (樂多日誌/span>)



Displayed Designs in Milan Fair 2007



Link Easy chair



Slouch chair




Soft System



Wire Series


Wire Dining Chair


Rubber Band Chair


Link Table


Tall chair and slab table


Slab table


Twist Pendant light


Beat Light




Mirror Ball


Punch pedant Light-



Angle                                       Base Table Light


Pipe Table Light  


Spin Copper Shade 


Lean lights

 dezeen   London Design Festival 2007

Tom Dixon to give away 1,000 CFL Lights

by Lloyd Alter, Toronto on 08.30.07  Design & Architecture (lighting)

Designer Tom Dixon did a green number in Trafalgar Square at last year's London Design Festival; this year he is taking over the square with a large scale installation of 500 energy saving lights. From the press release:

"In collaboration with the Energy Saving Trust and working with Glowb low energy light bulbs, the 500 lights will be skilfully displayed in a chandelier cluster hung from state of the art scaffolding.nspired by the shape of a light bulb, Tom has specifically designed ‘Blow’ a white opaque light, that uses a low-energy compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL). With plans afoot to ban the sale of traditional incandescent bulbs in the EU, the ‘Blow’ pendant light will bring further awareness to using CFL’s and sustainability within design....The Blow lights will be powered by a renewable energy source and lit for 3 hours per day from 7pm10pm Monday and Tuesday, and on Wednesday 19th from 5pm10pm. On Wednesday at 5pm 1000 lights will be given away to Londoners on a first come first served basis."

Nice idea, giving away a designer fixture and not just a bulb. After all, design makes all the difference.



Tom Dixon walking under his 'Blow'-installation on Trafalgar Square.


Tom Dixon light installation and 1000 lamp giveaway.

19th September, Trafalgar Square, London, London Design Festival 2007. 


Tom Dixon designed an installation of low energy lights, featured in London's Trafalgar Square from

Monday 17th - Wednesday 19th September 2007.  On Wednesday 1000 of Dixon's lamps were given away

to Londoners.



100% Design 2007,London : Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon’s booth was mostly about lighting this year. Featuring Angle,A cantilevered directional task light designed to slip under sofas, Quilted Slouch chair, solid wood Low Slab table, hand-beaten-brass Beat Light, Wire frame Cage Light and pendant Pipe Light. + tomdixon.net



Angle cantilevered, directional task light made of bent extruded aluminum in off-white powder coating. It's designed to allow it to easily slip under sofas and tables

Slouch chair and Low Slab table. Slouch's quilted pattern was borrowed from high performance

British sports and outdoor apparel. When Slab is put together with 2 more tables, it can form either

along configuration or an extra large, square low table.


Cone Light in the background and Link Easy Chairs in the front.

Hand-beaten brass Beat Light pendant inspired by hammered metal Indian temple roofs.

  Pipe Pedent Light

Cage Light, part of a collection of wire floor and table lights with light shades. "The simple shade is contained and protected inside the structurally wire frame, making Cage Light both practical and decorative.".

